Your Sunday Ubuntu: Rawness is not easy

Your Sunday Ubuntu: Rawness is not easy

"Above all, trust in the slow work of God. We are quite naturally impatient in everything to reach the end without delay." -- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin 

 It was as if God was screaming this to me this past week. It was a week filled with both personal and professional stress: unfulfilled commitments, people not calling and/or not texting back that said that they would for game-changing content that I needed to know, personal stress with mental illness in our family, etc. Life was hard. As a result I found myself more anxious than usual. For all you entrepreneurs out there you know that we are constantly monitoring various levels of anxiety...oh the joy?! This week was one of those higher anxious weeks so when I read this reflection by Chardin of the "slow work of God" and our desire "to reach the end without delay," it hit home. 

Fortunately, I also found myself in the good company of key friends, board members and fellow entrepreneurs to share the stress and therefore, I was able to receive the much-needed wisdom and guidance. Like a cool drink of water after wandering aimlessly in the desert, their loving and wise words refreshed and restored so that I could embrace this slow work. Why do we want to know everything now? Why do we get so anxious about the not knowing? How can we better sit in the in-between spaces while patiently allowing the work of God to unfold in its own time? I think it's different for everyone, but this week I discovered it by honestly expressing my anger at God and my frustration at where my life was this week. 

By communicating so rawly, this rawness carried over into authentic conversations with my core community that allowed them to speak directly into my current need. Rawness is not easy. Getting angry at God is not easy. Questioning why life is happening a certain way is not easy. But doing it opens our hearts and lets God and others speak and most importantly...heal. 

Big love,

Zane Wilemon

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1 comment

Thanks for this expression. I have learnt the same in a different perspective but got relieved to realize it happens seasonally but purposely, that we refresh our minds and get closer to God! Big Love!


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