Vision Boarding with Amelia Raun

Vision Boarding with Amelia Raun

I'm Amelia Raun, an Ubuntu Life Tribe Member, and mama. A few years ago, I received an invitation to a vision board party and took my two youngest daughters. Together we made our first vision boards and it has become an annual activity we do together. 

When we began, I didn't realize the impact it would have on my life - how much I would benefit! Crafting my vision board each year is special because I sit and truly consider what I want for the year  ahead, or beyond. Doing this practice with my girls has been especially sweet because it gets all of us thinking about the future and what we are excited to create with our hands. It's a representation of what we will manifest in our lives, together. It's a visual inspiration - something to remind us where we're going, what we stand for, and what we are becoming daily. Because we've been making these for 5 years now, we've had the delight of seeing many of our visions and goals come to fruition. I save all our vision boards so we can look back and relish how something that seemed like a dream has become a reality. Making a vision board is a beautiful physical expression that bolsters creativity. When our creative juices are flowing, we lift ourselves to a place of inspiration. We start to think outside the box. If you're a visual learner, if you thrive on a hands-on approach to goal setting, or if you just want to get excited about your next steps in life, I highly recommend making a vision board!

There are many different approaches to making a vision board, but my biggest piece of advice is to keep an open mind and let yourself be inspired. For my own boards, I use a Feng Shui grid of 9-points, each represented by a color, and relates to an area of life. You can find examples of these grids online.  

I use a marker to draw 9 circles, but you can choose any method to keep your sections apparent. You can also label the sections with the word, color, or qualities that they represent, spending as much time as needed to become aware of what comes up for you when thinking about these areas of your life.  


Dive into a stack of magazines, photos, anything you might want to put on your vision board, and cut out anything and everything that catches your eye. Allowing yourself the freedom to grab a hold of as many images that will keep you in your creative state. You can look for images you love, colors, words, etc. Be inspired!  

Using the grid method, you can begin to sort through the things you've cut out, making a pile on each grid. The images and words you chose will naturally flow toward a certain aspect of your life. Don't worry if one seems to have more than any other, just keep sorting until you've got everything assigned. This will help you remember the many facets that make up your life and have each represented on your vision board.  

Begin to place and glue these items in any style that feels visually pleasing and "right" to you. My middle daughter prefers a very clean board with all lines perfectly straight. My own boards are very layered and quirky, your board will feel like YOU. That's the beauty of this practice, it's personal and you can't mess it up, it's about getting excited and loving what you put together. 

Label your board somehow with the year, this isn't a must, but a great idea so that when you're looking back on them you know exactly what year you're looking at and you can see over time the things that have shifted, stayed, grown, been achieved, and more.

** The most important step is to have FUN! **

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