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We were thrilled to celebrate the retirement of Mama Peter before COVID-19 significantly made its way into Kenya. Mama Peter has been with us since day one of our impact story. Witnessing the highs and lows with us as we empower each child within our program!
She initially joined as a volunteer and was ecstatic at the thought of being able to bond with other women who also had children with special needs . According to Mama P, this was the first time that she had even heard of a place where she would not be judged or blamed for her child’s disability which many in the community saw as a curse

Mama Peter was already in her 60's, when she officially joined Ubuntu as the Chef & Caretaker of the school.
She will be missed for her delicious food & her comforting smile every time you walked into the kitchen!
It has been a beautiful 15 year journey together, we are so blessed to have been graced with her soul.

We were lucky to have the opportunity to celebrate Mama Peter before the staff would be separated. One last moment of true Ubuntu before she retired! Our team celebrated with cake, bouquets of flowers, and beautiful words from the employees. They spoke about how she was the Mum to everyone at the school, with the most generous heart, best recipes & whose bright spirit will be deeply missed.
“We as the Ubuntu Life family are going to miss Mama Peter immensely. We pray for her to live a long and healthy life, we are grateful for her passion and commitment, and we are full of LOVE for her service to our Ubuntu kids.” - Jeremiah Kuria