Times like these, keeping us cooped up in our own homes, can cause a lot of cabin fever. One very fun way to channel this energy is through the friendly competition of card games. Whether you thrive in card games that are based on strategy and logic or just absolute pure luck of however the deck was shuffled, this list of card games will be sure to cover both: (And some bonus pro-tips included!)
think musical chairs, but with your kitchen silverware. You have to collect four of a kind before you grab a spoon, but once you do it's a musical chairs free-for-all to grab the rest of the spoons. This game combines pure luck and strategy.
-Always keep one eye on the spoons, not just your cards
-Notice the cards you pass on to your neighbor that they hold on to, because then you might be able to predict when they have four of a kind
If you are quick on your feet, this is the game for you. Be fast and you will succeed. You are simply trying to get rid of all your cards by putting them down in number order before the other person.
-Keep the cards in your hand arranged in number order so it is easy to put down a sequence and get rid of a few cards all at once
-If you are stuck, always be anticipating which number you need so you can be ready to put down your card fast
-Make a mini bracket tournament
The simplest concept ever. See a jack, slap it! Another game that is good if you are fast and quick on your feet.
-while others are putting down their cards, make sure you’ve got one hand free for easy slapping access
If you want a game that is a little more involved and has multiple rounds, this is a good one to pass the time. Strategy is key in this game.
-If you’ve got a good hand right off the bat, knock! It is most likely that the other person doesn't.
How good are you at lying? Or maybe your lie-detector is stronger than your poker face! You’re about to find out if you play BS. This is so fun to play with people you know well.
-keep a GOOD poker face
-pretend like you’re lying even if you are telling the truth just to throw everyone off
-go with your gut
If you consider yourself good at solitaire, you will excel in Nertz. Beware, this game takes up the whole table and demands a little more physical exertion than most.
-always be aware of the cards that others are putting in the middle